Make a donation
Keren Ner Le Ketty is an official charity association registered under number 58-037679-6. The organization is mainly supported by personal donations.
100% of the sums collected are used for our projects. No management or operating costs are charged to donations.
Keren Ner Le Ketty depends entirely on your generosity to help provide for the ever-increasing number of needy families and children who have become poor in recent years. You can contribute to help us, to help them, in the following ways:
• By check : Keren Ner Le Kelly. P.O.B. 10233 Jerusalem 91101
• By direct debit
• By bank transfer: Keten Ner Le Ketty Banque Hapoalim, branch 748, account / account 032339
Iban: IL900127480000000032339 Swift: POALILIT Name: KEREN NER LEKETY
• By credit card (For non-Israelis, enter as identity number in this link: 014452254)
The institution has an income tax approval regarding donations according to Section 46
Please send an email to the Keren informing us of your donation at the following address: